Friday, 18 January 2008

My Neighbour Totoro

Fabulous. Mighty entertainment. Extremely, well-imagined, commendable, intelligently-thought characters. Some more 'serious' scenes which still succeed in emitting fun and charm. Excellent animation, with intriguing attention to detail and a happy soundtrack. One of the happiest films ever made. Forgive me for my insane ramblings, but 'My Neighbour Totoro' has provided me with the most magical eighty-six minutes of my life.

The main plot is irrelevant to this review. What basically happens is a man and his two daughters move to a new house, while their mother is sick in hospital. Both children are very sensitive, but they find this removal very exciting. 'My Neighbour Totoro' focuses on a very quiet charm, turning cleaning the house and looking for the door leading upstairs into very happy, relaxing moments.

This is ironic because relaxation is present in the giant Totoro, a vastly fun character whom we meet later on in the film. There are three Totoro in the film, troll-like creatures of interesting fiction which make well-anticipated appearances alongside the cute Soot Sprites, organisms representing dust bunnies. The three Totoro differ in size. There is a tiny white one, a small blue one and a giant grey one. Apparently, the largest Totoro is the gaurdian of the forest. These Totoro are very bizarre-yet-fun creatures. They go around dropping magical nuts and seeds all over the place, and the largest Totoro calls upon what is probably the most magnificent, legendary vehicle in the history of existence: the mythical cat-bus.

To be honest, to bring this review any further would involve me spending paragraphs praising the film for its relaxing and amusing stance. There are far too many serious films around, and 'My Neighbour Totoro' is a lovely break. The climax isn't as good as one would expect, and there's so much that the writers could conjure up, so many ordinary activities which could be made extremely charming with the awesome Totoro creatures, but besides these minor disappointments, 'My Neighbour Totoro' is pretty much the perfect anime.

Five Out Of Five.

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